Austin Opera

Creating a digital drive-in concert for Austin Opera


Lauren + Mark Digital Concert Event

Subvrsive teamed up with Austin Opera to reimagine the opera as a digital experience by filming a world-class operatic performance and inviting fans to enjoy it all from the comfort of their cars. The feature-length film premiered at several Blue Starlite Drive-In locations and was made available on YouTube as a limited-edition online release.

Creating a DigitalDrive-In Concertfor Austin Opera


A Socially-Distant
Operatic Affair

A night at the opera often conjures up images of lavish concert halls, crisp tuxedos, and floor-length gowns. But Austin Opera— in true Austin style—is changing that perception. In 2020, as the global pandemic continued to limit most live events, the Austin Opera team decided to bring the arts to their city in a distinctly Austin way: at the drive-in. They partnered with Subvrsive and the Blue Starlite to make it happen.

A Socially-Distant
Operatic Affair
From Center Stageto the Big Screen
From Center Stageto the Big Screen


From Center Stage
to the Big Screen

When Austin Opera decided to bring their season opener to life on the big screen, they chose to embrace the advantages of the digital format and, rather than replicate the exact experience of a night at the opera, create something unique.

Instead of showcasing an entire live performance from start to finish, the film begins with a montage of its star performers, Lauren Snouffer and Mark Diamond, exploring Austin’s most iconic places. Then, the film dives into the music, showcases up-close performances by Lauren and Mark, and weaves in intimate interviews that invite the audience to get to know the singers.


A Front Row Seat
for Everyone

By moving the opera from the stage to the screen, Austin Opera was able to reach a wider audience—both at the drive-in and online—and provide existing patrons and donors a truly unique experience. Through up-close angles and shots, the new medium gives viewers a front-row seat to the performances; creating a level of intimacy difficult to achieve within the walls of a concert hall.

Digital Events: The
Show Must Go On


Digital Events: The
Show Must Go On

Recently, many brands have had to completely reimagine their event strategies and find ways to supplement or replace in-person experiences with digital alternatives. And while it can be tough to recreate all of the magic of a live event on-screen, with the right tools and strategy, there are countless ways to create digital experiences that make a lasting impact.

"I think what surprised me the most … is how akin it is to a live performance, except in some ways a little bit better because you get to see so much closer. You get to see the intimate and the beautiful and the heart wrenching things that make opera such a wonderful artform. That transposes to film so well through the work that Subvrsive did in putting this together."

- Annie Burridge, General Director & CEO, Austin Opera