Using 360 video to drive engagement with Downy
Project Overview
Going Inside a
Washing Machine
Not so long ago, Downy put a GoPro inside of a washing machine to show viewers just how rough a typical washing cycle can be on clothing. Needless to say, getting an inside look at what happens on the other side of the washer door fascinated viewers. So, to take their one-of-a-kind video to the next level, Downy reached out to our team through creative agency POSSIBLE to recreate the experience in 360°. They wanted to immerse viewers in a way that would once again show the havoc that washing machines can wreak on clothing, while also demonstrating how Downy helps clothes fight back by preventing stretching, fading, and fuzz.

Immersing Viewers
The experience begins in the Downy testing lab where two Downy technicians are dropping articles of clothing into a washing machine. As the clothes fall into the washer, the viewer is slowly submerged into the water alongside them.
As effortless as this shot appears in the finished experience, it presented our team with an interesting challenge. We needed a way to smoothly submerge our cameras into the drum of the washing machine without a rigging system or camera operator appearing in the finished shot.
To meet this challenge, we built a custom motion control slider on a Raspberry Pi platform, which allowed us to control the camera movement remotely. We suspended the motorized slider from the ceiling, strategically placed it in between the two cameras, and completely hid it in the overlap of the footage.
The opening scene – after being brought to life in the editing room – creates a true sense of presence for viewers as they descend into the washer.

Live action meets
CG animation
As the experience continues, the video seamlessly transitions from live action footage of the Downy facility to a computer-generated (CG) underwater scene where viewers are surrounded by a swirl of bubbles and clothing. Through the use of CG animation, we show cozy cardigans and date night dresses floating through the water as Downy detergent soaks into the fabrics to protect them from the washing cycle. These visuals, combined with a custom underwater soundscape, work together to give viewers a real sense of being in the water.

Immersive Experiences for
Brand Engagement
Immersive experiences like this are a great way for brands to connect with their audiences in a fresh new way. Done well, they can captivate viewers and generate far more interest than standard video alone. In fact, a recent study by Google tested the effectiveness of a 360 Video ad against its standard video version and found that the 360 ad drove 41% more views, shares, and subscribes than the standard ad.
From places as familiar as a washing machine to completely dreamt up worlds, the creative combination of live action 360 Video and computer-generated graphics makes it possible to immerse viewers in nearly any scene imaginable.